
Practice Areas
Class Actions
What Is A Class Action? A class action is a type of lawsuit in which the claims and rights of many people are decided in a single case. Specific plaintiffs are named in the lawsuit to assert the claims of the entire class so that everyone with the same claim or injury doesn’t have to […]
In 1978, after a spike in the number of bankruptcy filings and a review of “abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices,” Congress passed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in an effort to protect consumers from harassment over unpaid debt. The FDCPA sets limitations on behaviors debt […]
General Litigation
If you are involved in a dispute, it is important to know that your attorney has the competence and dedication to obtain a favorable outcome on your behalf. You want to give yourself an advantage in protecting your interests. At Boevingloh & Pliakos inSt. Louisand O’Fallon Missouri, our lawyers years of combined litigation experience. We understand […]
Auto Accidents
St. Louis Auto Accident Lawyer Accidents can change lives. Kris Boevingloh of Boevingloh & Pliakos is here to help you secure a settlement for your medical bills and any additional compensation you need to get you back to doing what’s important – living your life. If you have been involved in a serious automobile crash, […]
Credit Report Problems
Dispute an Error to Repair your Credit If you need to dispute a credit report we are experienced credit report attorneys that can provide helpful expertise in legal consumer credit repair as well as credit report disputes. Unfortunately, credit report errors are a common problem, and it is pertinent to ensure your personal information is […]
Consumer Debt Defense
Debt Collection Lawsuit Process The single most effective form of debt collection for any creditor or debt collector is the filing of a lawsuit. If a lawsuit is filed against you and you do not properly respond, you may wind up having a judgment against you. If there is a judgment against you, the collector […]
St. Louis County Debt Collectors Ordered to Pay 24.3 Million for Pursuing Phantom Debts
Federal government clears debt collectors to use social media accounts
What New Debt Collector Rules Mean for You